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Zorion Eguileor Runtime=1Hours, 34minute tomatometers=7,6 / 10 liked it=107225 Vote Spain movie Info=In a dystopian near future with absence of resources, people can freely to go into The Hole, a vertical underground jail where after an interview to check the possible admission, the volunteer passes a determined time in exchange to acquire more social status. Hoping to get an approved title, Goreng wakes up in the level 48 to discover The Hole"s structure: only one cell of 6 meters height (so-so 20 feet) per level with a rectangular hole in the middle in all them, used by The Hole"s administration to descend a too rectangular floating platform with the food for all prisoners, downing from level 0 (the restaurant in the surface where food is cooked) to the bottom, standing 2 minutes per level. With veteran Trimagasi as cell"s partner, Goreng learns eventually The Hole"s main rules: 1st, each inmate arrives The Hole with a personal object to chose from the exterior; 2nd, the inmates can"t keep food off the platform under penalty to die by extreme heat or cold; and 3rd, one time per month all inmates are asleep using gas in order to exchange all them of level. But when a month later they both wake up in the level 171, Goreng learns for his horror that all the inmates divide in four types: those in the upper levels who eat with more time to think, those in the mid levels who eat the rests of the food left in the platform, those in the lower levels whose don"t eat after platform arrives empty becoming in demented and starved killers, and finally those who jump to the void by the hole, crashing against lower levels to being cannibalized by the savage inmates. Saved to be killed by Trimagasi in the last minute by Miharu, a silent and violent young girl who time and time again descends in the platform looking for her missing child forced to be in The Hole, Goreng starts lose his mind in a place without morality or humanity, passing from level 23 to 252 with Imoguiri (Goreng"s interviewer and an ingenuous about the reality of The Hole) as new partner to finally arrive in level 6 with Baharat as lately partner, who tries with a rope scaling to level 0. But Goreng tells Baharat a better plan to leave The Hole

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Overall, the movie is well made. I could overlook some glaring plot holes and forced moments. But I can"t recommend and wouldn"t watch something like this again. I don"t like my emotions being manipulated with random moments.

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Buen vídeo Fernando sin duda una mirada distinta al análisis de la película. Yo me considero de izquierda y realmente cuando ví la película pensé algo similar. Además me gusto que también analisaste a los demás personajes. A platform watch movie hindi. The platform watch movie online. I didn"t even watch the trailer, I just decide to click it on netflix, nvr regret it. This is now in my favourite movies" list. Teacher: Do you really think you can learn Spanish just by watching movies ? Me: Obvio, mi caracol. If you like to watch El hoyo online, please share your opinion, you can do right now without registration.

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I like the yell part, is so stunning the crack, the open chest, the white eyes. the whole thing. I love dune the book so much, and I enjoy the movie but believe you need to know the book first for it to make any sense- just too complex to be made into one film imho. Thank you so much for this. I came here after watching your video talking about Denis saying the film will be very close to the book, even though I havent read it or seen the other film. However since Denis is one of my favorite directors, I"ve been very excited about it since the inital announcement.

I read the dune series last year finally. The thing that struck me the most was how so much of the book written so long ago paralleled so much of society and politics today. It is mildly depressing to think that in the time since it has been written so little has changed and the forecast for the future (at least by Frank Hebert) is more of the same.

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The only thing it lacked, however, was a good villain. Tamatoa, the giant Smaug-like crab who sings like a glam rock artist, hardly gets any screen time to "shine. Which is a shame, since he seemed like a pretty good character.
Definitely a good movie to watch when you"re depressed.

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I"ll watch to support Terry Crews in a staring role, but I thought this was about the John Henry getting the Superman armor.

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Absolutely no idea what this movie was about. Easily the worst movie I ever watched

John henry homes. Yikes, this movie is boo boo. Damn it"s bad. John Henry: I"M JOHN HENRY Luke Cage. John henry wife. John henry hugh laurie. John henry tall tale. John henry lyrics. I"ve seen some bad movies in my time. Battlefield: Earth; Natural Born Killers; Any movie Uwe Boll directs, but nothing comes remotely close to the atrocity that is "John Henry.
It started off ok, a flashback to a simpler time. However, it quickly devolved into an attempt at a Tarantino flick, John Woo action, to just a jumbled mess that was more comedy than serious.
The characters are reading scripts, they don"t believe in their roles. Terry Crews has never done anything as bad as this, not even Damon in Friday After Next was this bad.
The character development was so scattered I"ve seen confetti fall from rafters that was more organized.
There were times, I kid you not, where the musical score (which was also overly emotional for the sort of film this was) was louder than the dialogue.
The redeeming factor of this movie was it was only 90 minutes. Other than that, I swear I should sue Netflix for pain and suffering.

It had some funny scenes in the movie especially with the two lookouts at the end when John walks up on them their conversation before was good and all the action sequences looked like an old spaghetti western especially the final showdown between John and hell (Luda) the ending kinda left a little too be desired. I wanted to know what happened to Berta and Oscar because I don"t believe their will be a sequel unfortunately because I would watch it too but that being said I wouldn"t have paid to see this in the theater"s but it"s worthy of a rental. All in all it a pretty good flick imo and if your a fan or Terry Crew"s or Ludacris more so Terry Crews you"ll enjoy this one too.

I have to say I just finished this movie and when I saw the ratings to this film I couldnt believe it. This is a under rated film and I enjoyed every moment of it and I regret not seeing it in theaters. John henry patterson. John henry bonham drum solo. So I went into this movie with no expectations what so ever. with that being said it was ok not the best. I didnt think it was about the actual john Henry at all. John henry newman.


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